08/01/2003 TERMINUS TRADUCTION presents BS CHRONO TRIGGER MUSIC LIBRARY, English Version ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***********************Table of Contents************************ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. THE STORY OF CHRONO TRIGGER MUSIC LIBRARY 2. ARCHIVE'S CONTENTS 3. RELEASES 4. WHAT'S DONE 5. STAFF 6. CONTACTS 7. LEGAL STUFF ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. THE STORY OF CHRONO TRIGGER MUSIC LIBRARY ---------------------------------------------------------------- This ROM is one of those published with the Satellaview Broadcasting System. It contains all the music from the game Chrono Trigger, along with two previously unreleased themes, composed by Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu. Here's a patch translating the songs' titles to English. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. ARCHIVE'S CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- The ZIP file should contain : bsctml.ips - The patch ReadMe.txt - The file you're reading ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3. RELEASES ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00e - 08/01/2003 This patch, with everything in English. 1.00 - 12/25/2002 The first two patches, one in French, and the other with English titles for the songs and a French menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. WHAT'S DONE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Font with VWF added and translation of the songs' titles. There's not anything left in Japanese. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5. STAFF ---------------------------------------------------------------- Neo Mithrandil : Hacker Thanks to Copernic who has created the font used in this patch for his French translation of Chrono Trigger (though, you won't see it, since the characters he's added don't appear in this version of the patch). ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CONTACTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- For any remark about this translation of BS Chrono Trigger Music Library. Neo Mithrandil - neo.mithrandil@laposte.net You want to learn more about or translation group, download our patches or get information about our projects. Website - http://terminus.romhack.net (In French) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7. LEGAL STUFF ---------------------------------------------------------------- This translation patch for BS Chrono Trigger Music Library isn't supported by Squaresoft. This patch is free and can be distributed freely as long as it isn't modified, applied to or distributed with a rom, and the original archive isn't modified too. You may use this patch at your own risk. None of the people cited in this documentation will be held responsible for any damage resulting of its use. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading this file and enjoy the patch ! Neo Mithrandil